The Mind/Spirit Approach to Weight Loss

Weight loss is a bodily process that is intimately connected to your mind and spirit.

Weight loss is a bodily process that is intimately connected to your mind and spirit. Regarding the mental aspect, it is pretty obvious that to go on a weight-loss program, you must decide to do so. Then you have to have the mental discipline to continue on the program until you reach your goal. 

That is why entering into a successful weight program requires making a conscious decision to do so. It then requires repeating that decision again and again. As you progress in losing weight, you sometimes may be tempted to drop the weight-loss ball in various ways, perhaps by having an extra-large piece of apple pie after dinner or stopping by McDonald’s for a Big Mac™ and fries after work.

In order to resist such temptations, we need to make a conscious decision to do so each time one arises. If we do drop the ball at some point, then we must make a conscious decision to not give up, but rather to pardon ourselves, pick up the ball again, and continue on our weight-loss journey with renewed determination.

Weight Loss and Spirituality

The connection of weight loss to spirit may not be so obvious. By the term spirit here, I am referring to your overall sense of yourself and of life.

For the great majority of us, childhood was a time of happiness for being alive and active. We felt good about ourselves. There was balance in our lives, both physical and mental.

Later, for many of us as adults, efforts to make our way in the world often led to worry and stress. As a result, we may have begun to overeat as a kind of antidote. Our bodies got out of balance. The overeating may have actually increased our stress, leading to greater imbalance mentally. At the same time, gaining too much weight is likely to have negatively impacted not only our health, but our perception of who we are, as well as our appreciation of life. 

By consciously deciding to lose weight, we want to reverse this process. Not only do we want to lose the excess pounds, but we want to honor ourselves, feel good about ourselves.

And we want to appreciate and enjoy each day of our lives to the max. That is a prime reason we begin our weight-loss journey. The consciousness approach to losing weight is, in a very real sense, a spiritual journey of restoring the balance in our lives physically and mentally, of striving to care for and honor ourselves, and of feeling fully at home in the world. 


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